We've gamified and "Zoomified" IR Tabletops to make cybersecurity incident training enjoyable for all!
Cybersecurity vendors hire us as sponsors for their customer events. Invite up to 10 players and we’ll supply the game. Your technology will be part of the stack!
Companies hire us for fun team events. We help create a relevant scenario and your crew gets to take on different positions in the organization. This is role playing… so no one gets hurt!
Product manufacturers hire us to build exercises around their technology sets to help train new sales and engineering people for them to “live the life” of their customers.
Let’s face it. The pressure placed on Cybersecurity professionals is enormous. Traditionally, training for Incident Response (also known as IR Tabletops) has been a painful experience that most employees dread. (We've been through it - we know!) Compounding this problem is that cybersecurity seeps into every nook and cranny of an organization. We make cybersecurity training fun and engaging for people across the knowledge spectrum.
In HackBack, each player is given a character that contains technical abilities, personality scores and motivations. Our Incident Masters are CISOs that have been trained in improv (and/or are just very funny!). We lead a team through an incident where people are able to role-play responses, make mistakes and have a good laugh at our expense.
We enjoy providing an entertaining, fun and interactive experience for your group to help them learn how to respond faster and more effectively when the real deal happens!

Why people love our gamified approach to Incident Response!
Team Building: Yes, tabletops can be a fun team event! By layering gaming on top of learning, we create a relevant scenario that lets your crew collaborate while having fun.
Training: Our exercises are built around your Incident Response Plan (IRP) and customized to your technology stack to help train with a real-life scenario that uncovers challenges and opportunities in your plan.
Empathy: Your team will play new roles within the training, building empathy for what happens in a real incident. This is role playing ... so no one gets hurt!
Process Improvement: Does your IRP match what you really do? Are there gaps? Is it overwritten? After the session we review with the team what they did and how to improve the process.
Remote Sessions: Most of our games are provided virtually by Zoom video conferencing to include your team members from all over the world. Yes, we provide entertainment through the Covid era!